
  • 网络Deficiency of Heart Yang; deficiency of the heart-yang; Asthenic cardioyang



Deficiency of Heart Yang

KIM SOO... ... 9. Yin and Yang 阴阳 10. Deficiency of Heart Yang 心阳虚 11. Deficiency of Kidney Yang 肾阳虚 ...

deficiency of the heart-yang

... 心血不足 deficiency of the heart-blood 心阳虚 deficiency of the heart-yang 肾精不足 deficiency of the kidney essence ...

Asthenic cardioyang

中医词汇... ... Association of traditional Chinese medicine 中医学会 Asthenic cardioyang 心阳虚 Asthenic cardioyin 心阴虚 ...

heart yang deficient

TCM... ... pale complexion,pale tongue with white fur,weak pulse 面色淡白,舌淡苔白,脉虚 heart yang deficient 心阳虚 ...

insufficency of the heart-yang

... 浸渍 insuccation 心阳虚 insufficency of the heart-yang 脾肾阳虚 insufficiency of both the spleen and the kidney ...
