
  • na.be anxious for success
  • 网络Be Anxious For Success; rush one's fences; Unrealistic pursuit of quick results



Be Anxious For Success

什么意思_英语be... ... be anxious for 急切盼望 Be Anxious For Success 急于求成 be anxious for sth 渴望得到 ; 对…担心 ...

rush one's fences

... mend one's fences 修补篱笆,改善关系,争取支持 rush one's fences 急于求成,鲁莽从事 welded steel fences 钢材焊接围栏 ...

Unrealistic pursuit of quick results

十七大重要词汇 ... 脱离实际, 急于求成 Unrealistic pursuit of quick results 保持清醒头脑 Remain sober-minded ...

to rush one's fence

常用英语短语/句型/谚语... ... No.622 to rush one's fence 鲁莽行事,急于求成 No.623 as fit as a fiddle 身体极好;精神饱满 ...

to be impatient for success

汉译英政治经济词汇 | 英语专业 -... ... 极少数国家 a handful of countries 急于求成 to be impatient for success ...

Be Eager To Beg

什么意思_英语be_eager_to在线翻译_有道词典... ... be eager to V 渴望 Be Eager To Beg 急于求成 be eager to excel 争强好胜 ...
