
  • na.apply the carrot and stick judiciously
  • 网络Alternate weakness with severity; Alternate kindness with severity.; To employ both kindness and severity



apply the carrot and stick judiciously

... 恩威并用— —apply the carrot and stick judiciously 耳根清静— —peace of mind achieved by staying away from nagging ...

Alternate weakness with severity

英语成语-网络中国翻译 ... 家丑不外扬 Don't wash your dirty linen in public. 恩威并用 Alternate weakness with severity. ...

Alternate kindness with severity.

中国成语 ... 家丑不外扬 Don't wash your dirty linen in public. 恩威并用 Alternate kindness with severity.. ...

To employ both kindness and severity

kindness的翻译 查词... ... A family given to kindness and charity 积善之家 To employ both kindness and severity 恩威并用 ...
