
  • na.bring forth the new through the old
  • 网络Weed through the old to let the new grow; Introduce new; Bring forth the new through the old



Weed through the old to let the new grow

Introduce new

...流行的品牌服装韩版款式,修身剪裁(Tailor),推陈出新(Introduce new)的材质,再有锦上添花的,精心裁剪出时尚、高雅且 …

Bring forth the new through the old

翻译词典... ... Dare and diligence bring luck. 大胆又勤奋,定能交好运。 Bring forth the new through the old 推陈出新 ...

creative efforts

《高级口译教程》饮食文化词汇(1)_普特英语听力 ... 主食 staple food 推陈出新 creative efforts 色、香、味 color,aroma and t…

weed through the old to bring forth the new

百度词典搜索_新 ... 3.(结婚不久的) recently married: weed through the old to bring forth the new; 推陈出新 ...


北京广瑞食品有限公... ... 制作工艺和设备 Production techniques and equipment 推陈出新 Innovation 世界美味 World delicious ...

by spreading news

1.by spreading news三、推陈出新by spreading news)。不断替自己的新产品开发新闻、...www.bjsxjg.com 2.creative effort…
