
  • na.tumble; trip and fall; trip up
  • 网络come a cropper; stumble; fall a cropper



come a cropper

Gascony的意思 中文翻译 ... comby [地质]蜂巢状的 come a cropper 落马, 垮台, 失败 摔跟头 come a howler [俚]出事故 遭到失 …


摔字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 摔倒〖 cast;slipdown〗 摔跟头stumble〗 摔交〖 stumble〗 ...

fall a cropper

cropper是什么意思... ... tea cropper 茶叶收获机 fall a cropper 落马, 垮台, 失败 摔跟头 free cropper 高产作物 ...

get a cropper

奉献 的英文翻译 ... get a fright 大吃一惊 get a cropper 落马, 垮台, 失败 摔跟头 get a dressing down 受到斥责 挨打 ...

to fall

摔角 English, 翻译, 例句, 字典 Chinese... ... 戍角 garrison trumpet call 摔跟头 to fall 摔坏 to drop and break ...

fall down

Ai Wang » 读故事(四) ... 2. 出汗– sweat 3. 摔跟头fall down 4. 裂– split ...

fall over

新标准英语第七册重... ... 12. wear trousers and a sweater 穿着裤子和毛衣 13. fall over 摔跟头 14. learn to skate 学习滑冰 ...

fall make a blunder trip

什么意思_英语make_a... ... to make a trip to 到……去旅游 fall make a blunder trip 摔跟头 make a trip to 到……旅行 ...
