- na.serve an Emperor and do service for a Throne
- 网络play up to people of power and influence; fawn upon the influential people; worship the rising sun

play up to people of power and influence
... 颠倒黑白— —call white black; 攀龙附凤— —play up to people of power and influence; 大发雷霆— —fly into a rage; ...
fawn upon the influential people
关于“龙”的英汉成... ... 12.攀龙附凤 fawn upon the influential people/social climbers 20. 龙马精神 energetic/full of vigor ...
worship the rising sun
bubblewyj_新浪博客 ... have one'e nose in the air 得意忘形 worship the rising sun 攀龙附凤 hit the ceiling 大发雷霆 ...
attach oneself to dragon and phoenix
phoenix... ... Phoenix appears at court—an auspicious omen 凤凰来仪 attach oneself to dragon and phoenix 攀龙附凤 ...
The unsinkable molly brown
... 罗密欧与茱丽叶 = Romeo and Juliet 攀龙附凤 = The unsinkable molly brown 秋月茶室 = The Teahouse of the August moon ...
attach oneself to dragons and phoenixes
...ence, the Chinese idiom “攀龙附凤”(attach oneself to dragons and phoenixes) is used to describe those who “play up to pe...