
  • 网络relief supplies; relief goods; relief material



relief supplies

最新网络热门英语生活词汇短语:雅安地震... ... 捐款 donations; 救援物资 relief supplies; 生活必需品 daily necessities; ...

relief goods

哀悼青海玉树地震遇难者 学习相关词汇-英语点津 ... medical team 医疗队 relief goods 救援物资 slide-proof rug 防滑垫 ...

relief material

云南姚安发生6.0级地震(1)- 双语新闻 - 21英语网 ... aftershock 余震 relief material 救援物资 dispatch 派遣 ...

relief aid materials

地震词汇_超越梦想... ... 地震灾区 quake-hit region 救援物资 relief aid materials 生命探测仪 life-detection equipment ...

aid supply

BBC news 2011-04-27 加文本|BBC world... ... access to 到某地的通道,有权使用 aid supply 救援物资 cope with 对付,应付, …

goods and materials of earthquake relief

交通救援资源,traffic rescue... ... ) goods and materials of earthquake relief 救援物资 ) traffic resources 交通资源 ...

Transporting aids

Flickr: Oxfam Hong Kong... ... 救灾物资仓库 Aids in warehouse 救援物资 Transporting aids 青海地震 Qinghai earthquake ...
