
  • 网络Rural Reconstruction; New Countryside; new rural construction



Rural Reconstruction

New Countryside

关于进一步加强村级财务管理的通知 ... 通知公告 \ Notice 新农村建设 \ New Countryside 工作动态 \ Current work ...

new rural construction

温州概览 ... 民生工程 Projects of People’s Livelihood 新农村建设 New Rural Construction 社会服务 Social Services ...

the new rural construction

郭家街道办事处 ... 街道建设 Street construction 新农村建设 The new rural construction 招商引资 Investment Promotion ...

New countryside Vision

中厦建筑... ... 旅游开发 Tourism development 新农村建设 New countryside Vision 城乡统筹规划 Urban & rural plan ...

new countryside-construction

the new socialist countryside construction

The development of new socialist countryside

2012年政府工作报告重点词汇 ... 新农村建设 The development of new socialist countryside 建制村 Administrative villages ...
