
  • 网络Seven thirty in the morning; At half past seven in the morning; At seven A.M



Seven thirty in the morning

... It's four fifteen. 四点十五分。 Seven thirty in the morning. 早上七点半。 My watch says nine ten. 我的手表是九点十分。 ...

At half past seven in the morning

1---8册课文小对话 -... ... B:At half past seven in the morning. 早上七点半。 B:At about ten o’clock. 大概十点。 ...

At seven A.M

CCTV.com ... 旁白: 早上七点半At seven A.M, 我们的车队已经行驶在 our caravan is already driving ...

It's seven thirty in the morning

无标题文档 ... It's seven thirty in the morning 早上七点半 It's seven o'clock a.m. 上午七点钟 ...
