
  • na.cast pearls before swine -- a talented man finds his ability unrecognized
  • 网络cast peals before swine.; casting pearls before swine; Cast pearls before a swine



cast pearls before swine

《英美人天天都在说的... ... Carry a Torch for sb. 暗恋某人 Cast Pearls before Swine 明珠暗投,对牛弹琴 Close Shave 十分惊 …

cast peals before swine.

有谁知道有关... ... black sheep. 害群之马 cast peals before swine. 明珠暗投 the cat among the pigeons. 人为刀俎,我为鱼肉 ...

casting pearls before swine

说说“pig”... ... in a pig's eye 某件事根本不可能发生 casting pearls before swine 明珠暗投;对牛弹琴 piggy bank 储蓄罐 ...

Cast pearls before a swine

英语兴趣小... ... a dead dog 已经失去作用的人[物], 废物 Cast pearls before a swine 明珠暗投;对牛弹琴。 )a one 大胆有趣的 …

Throw pearls to the pigs

沪江博客 -... ... Throw in the towel 认输,承认失败 Throw pearls to the pigs 明珠暗投 Throw someone a line 雪中送炭 ...
