
  • na.gone like the yellow stork
  • 网络to disappear without a trace; be gone like the yellow stork; to be gone forever



to disappear without a trace

如你... ... 杳如黄鹤 to disappear without a trace;to be gone forever 愿 to wish;sincere;willing;;to hope;ready;to desire ...

be gone like the yellow stork

包含 黄 的词语 |... ... ◆ 棕黄[ light brown ] ◆ 杳如黄鹤[ be gone like the yellow stork ] ◆ 牝牡骊黄[ superficiality ] ...

to be gone forever

黄 - Pin1yin1.com ... 杳如黄鹤 杳如黄鹤 to be gone forever 宜黄 宜黄 Yihuang county in Fuzhou ...

Never Stop Learning

《财报就像一本故事书》读后感 杳如黄鹤 (Never Stop Learning) 说实话,作为一个管理学科班出身的人,我不是太喜欢读所谓 …
