
  • 网络Hall of Martial Valor; Hall of Martial Valour; the Hall of Military Prowess



Hall of Martial Valor

中国传统建筑和故宫建筑群的翻... ... 紫禁城 the Forbidden City 武英殿 Hall of Martial Valor 中和殿 Hall of Central Harmony ...

Hall of Martial Valour

中国最著名的旅游... ... 文华殿 Hall of Literary Harmony 武英殿 Hall of Martial Valour 文渊阁 Pavilion of Literary Source ...

the Hall of Military Prowess

带您游北... ... 文华殿 the Hall of Literary Glory 武英殿 the Hall of Military Prowess 皇极殿 the Hall of Imperial Models ...

u ing diyan

...yan)、弘德殿(hūng de diyan)、 武英殿u ing diyan)、瀛台(ing tai)、坤寧宫(kun ning gung),都是对应汉字 讀 …
