
  • n.clock synchronizer; master clock
  • 网络primary clock; a master clock; Watch crystals



master clock

进出口专业英语词汇(M1)|商贸常用英语词汇 ... master bushing 主销衬套 master clock 母钟 master clutch 主离合器 ...

primary clock

around the clock的翻译中文意思-在线英汉词典 ... positive clock+ 正时钟脉冲 primary clock+ 母钟 program clock+ 程序钟 ...

clock synchronizer

机械专业... ... clock switch 时间开关 clock synchronizer 母钟,中心电钟,时钟同步器 clock system 时钟脉冲系统,同步脉冲系 …

a master clock

翻译词典... ... a master station 【电】主控台. a master clock (调整其他电钟的)母钟,标准钟. a music master 音乐教师. ...

Watch crystals

注册在表壳的 100 枚商标 ... 语言报时钟 talking time clock 母钟 Watch crystals 精密记时计 Chronometers ...

mother clock

航海及海运专业词汇英语翻译(M) ... Mother Carey's chickens! 海燕来了!海燕来了 mother clock 母钟 mother liquor 母液 ...

principal clock

电子工程专业词... ... principal characteristic 重性 principal clock 母钟 principle of conservation of energy 能量守恒原理 ...
