
  • 网络dBm; A dB Referred To One Milliwatt; decibel referred to one milliwatt




译网情深 - 打印文章 - ... dB 分贝 dBm 毫瓦分贝 dBW 分贝瓦特 ...

A dB Referred To One Milliwatt

...fier) dB 分贝(Decibel) dBm 毫瓦分贝A dB Referred To One Milliwatt) DC 直流(Direct Current) DD 数位类示(Digit…

decibel referred to one milliwatt

航海及海运专业词汇英语翻... ... decibel meter 分贝计 decibel referred to one milliwatt 毫瓦分贝 decibel relative 相对分贝 ...

decibl with reference to one milliwatt

航海及海运专业词汇... ... decibels 分贝数 decibl with reference to one milliwatt 毫瓦分贝 decided maritime case 海事判例 ...

decibels with reference to milliwatt

航海及海运专业词汇英语翻译(D6) ... decibels relative to one watt 瓦特分贝 decibels with reference to milliwatt 毫瓦分贝 ...

dBmV A dB reffered to one milliwatt W

... ABBR A dB referred to one millivolt V 毫伏分贝 dBmV A dB reffered to one milliwatt W 毫瓦分贝 dBmw Adjustable 可调式 ...

decibels with reference to one milliwatt

"D半圆形" - 天天文档... ... "decibels with reference to one milliwatt " 毫瓦分贝" "decidability " 可判断性" ...
