
  • 网络exchange rate fluctuation; exchange rate fluctuations; exchange rate volatility



exchange rate fluctuation

会计词汇E ... exchange rate contract 汇率合约 exchange rate fluctuation 汇率波动 exchange rate index 汇率指数 ...

exchange rate fluctuations

我搜集的... ... industrialized nations( 工业化国家) exchange rate fluctuations汇率波动) bilateral trade( 双边贸易总额) ...

exchange rate volatility

... 汇率决定: Exchange Rate Determination 汇率波动exchange rate volatility 汇率波动: Exchange Rate Fluctuations ...

fluctuations in prices

金融词汇 ... floor broker 场内经纪人。 fluctuations in prices 汇率波动 foregift 权利金。 ...

The changing exchange rate

商务英语话题王... ... 货币升值与贬值 Appreciation and devaluation of currency 388 汇率波动 The changing exchange rate 390 ...

Tobin tax

政大机构典藏:Item 140.119/35746 ... 朱美丽 Chu,Mei-Lie 汇率波动 Tobin tax ...
