
  • 网络the letter of the law; legal provisions; The Statutes



the letter of the law

烟草律师进军食品行业_新东方网 ... legal 合法的 the letter of the law 法律条文 regulator 监管机构 ...

legal provisions

provision... ... legal provision {n.}法律条文,法律规定 legal provisions {n.}法律条文 lettre de provision {n.}领事委任书 ...

The Statutes

... the U.S.Patent Law) 第一节 法律条文(The Statutes) 第二节 判例(The Case Law) ...

provision of law

provision... ... provision of funds 款项的提供 provision of law {n.}法律条文,法律规定 provision of remission {n.}免刑规定 ...

statutory provisions

The Moon Sang on the April... ... Judicial Decisions 司法判决 statutory provisions 法律条文 limited liability 有限责任 ...

Law in book

法律条文Law in book)总是要在审判活动中通过法官的解释才能变成活的法(law in active),适用于具体案件、解决具体纠 …
