
  • 网络Consumer protection law; Consumer Guarantees ACT; consumer's interest protection law



Consumer protection law

法学类培养方案... ... 国防教育 National Defense 消费者权益保护法 Consumer Protection Law 房地产法 Real Estate Law ...

Consumer Guarantees ACT

根据纽消费者权益保护法Consumer Guarantees ACT),餐馆有责任支付你清洗或重新购买衣服的款项。我需要支付小费吗?

consumer's interest protection law

法律英语专业词汇汇总 ... 消费者权益保护法 consumer's interest protection law 产品责任法 production liability law ...

Consumer Rights and interests Protection method

Law on the Protection of Consumers' Rights and Interests

协会新闻 ... 消费者权益保护法 Law on the Protection of Consumers' Rights and Interests 继承法 Succession Law ...

Communication in Legal Language

金仕达多媒体大学教学管理信息... ... Communication in Legal Language 消费者权益保护法 Consumer Protection Law 信托与 …

Consumer Rights Directive

此外,欧盟《消费者权益保护法》(Consumer Rights Directive)将从2014年中期开始,禁止如航空业等多个行业强迫消费者支付 …


试论消费者... ... falvlunwen/xiaofeizhequanlunwen 消费者权益保护法.北京: 《falvlunwen/xiaofeizhequanlunwen 消费者权益 …
