
  • na.fire attack (using fire as a weapon against enemy personnel and installations)
  • 网络Fire Strike; The Attack by Fire; Attacking with Fire



fire attack

三国杀英语版 ... 无懈可击 Flawless Defense 火攻 Fire Attack 兵粮寸断 Supply Shortage ...

Fire Strike

全平台通吃,新版3DMARK即将来袭 - 玩家堂 ... "Cloud Gate"( 云门): "Fire Strike"( 火攻): "Ice Storm"( 冰暴): ...

The Attack by Fire

新《咖啡店》 :: 阅读主题 - 学华文 ... 九地 The Nine Situations 火攻 The Attack by Fire 用间 The Use of Spies ...

Attacking with Fire

2011 August ... The Nine Battlegrounds: 九地 Attacking with Fire: 火攻 Intelligence and Espionage: 用间,用间 ...

Burning Pitch

神话时代编辑器资料四_东方神谕_新浪博客 ... Bronze weapons 青铜武器 Burning Pitch 火攻(射箭部队) Carpenters 伐木工(村 …


三国杀术语篇 ... 回合开始阶段 turn beginning phase 火攻 blaze 火杀 fire attack ...

arson attack

attack-英汉词典-英中字典-速译通... ... armed attack {n.}武装袭击 arson attack {n.}火攻 artillery attack {n.}大炮攻击 ...
