
  • 网络Onion Rings; Fried Onion Rings; Fried onion



Onion Rings

美食英语_阳光总在风雨后!FIGHTING!_百度空间 ... hot dog 热狗 onion rings 炸洋葱圈 peanuts 花生 ...

Fried Onion Rings

麦嘉度意餐厅圣诞情侣套餐_西餐菜单_西餐咨询网 ... 主菜 Main Course 炸洋葱圈 Fried Onion Rings 玉米甜心 Sweet Corn ...

Fried onion

沈阳西餐培训_沈阳西餐学校... ... 13)炸土豆条 French Fried 14)炸洋葱圈 Fried onion 15)黄金薯球 Ball potatoes ...

deep fried onion rings

请问这些西餐菜单怎么翻译... ... 意大利蔬菜汤 Italian style vegetable soup 炸洋葱圈 deep fried onion rings 炸薯条 chips ...

Explodes the Onion Circle

鸡尾酒会B -... ... 迷你披萨 Miniature throws over Sa 炸洋葱圈 Explodes the onion circle 什锦寿司 Assorted sushi ...

Deep fried onion ring

香榭丽舍西餐厅 ... French fries 炸薯条 10元 Deep fried onion ring 炸洋葱圈 10元 Deep fried mushroom 炸蘑菇 10元 ...
