
  • na.〈口〉gamble [play] with one's life
  • 网络to gamble with life; to take reckless risks; gamble with one's life



to gamble with life

Wan2 |... ... 正己烷 N-hexane 玩儿命 to gamble with life;to take reckless risks 玩儿完 finished;to be done with sth ...

to take reckless risks

Wan2 |... ... 正己烷 N-hexane 玩儿命 to gamble with life;to take reckless risks 玩儿完 finished;to be done with sth ...

gamble with one's life

玩... ... ◆ 玩儿坏[ play a dirty trick ] ◆ 玩儿命[ gamble with one's life ] ◆ 玩儿票[ perform drama in spare-time ] ...


erhua ... 兔儿爷 tuye 玩儿命 wanming 围脖儿 weibo ...

bust a gut

多音字bust的汉英词典搜索结果,点击看详... ... 详细 1. Boost 玩儿命(玩儿命) bust a gut 打破 break;smash;crack;destroy;bust ...
