
  • na.integrate theory with practice
  • 网络combine theory with practice; integration of theory with practice; linking theory with practice



integrate theory with practice

Unit6 book1 ... the theory of relativity 相对论[学说] integrate theory with practice 理论联系实际 theorize v. 理论家 ...

combine theory with practice

combine是什么意思... ... combine into 合成…,合并成… combine theory with practice 理论联系实际 combine with v. 与...结合 ...

integration of theory with practice

“理论联系实际”,combininb... ... ) apply theory to reality 理论联系实际 ) integration of theory with practice 理论联系实际 ...

linking theory with practice

时事英语 ... 1458. 理货公司 tally company 1459. 理论联系实际 linking theory with practice 1461. 历法 calendar-study ...

apply theory to reality

“理论联系实际”,combininb... ... ) integrating theory with practice 理论联系实际 ) apply theory to reality 理论联系实际 ...

Theory should be based on practice.

在作文中引用合适... ... spend on 把时间、精力花在某方面。例如: Theory should be based on practice. 理论联系实际。 on …

unite theory with practice

理论... ... study of the theory 理论学习 integration of theory with practice;unite theory with practice 理论联系实际 ...

to link theory with practice

联系-的英语翻译-bab.la词典 ... 联系方式 contact 理论联系实际 to link theory with practice 联系人 link ...
