
  • na.hot pursuit
  • 网络in hot pursuit; cling to,shadow,thunder on one's trail; hound



hot pursuit

美国法庭词汇翻译 | 法律英语翻译 ... hostile witness 敌对证人 hot pursuit 紧追 hung jury 不能做出一致决断的陪审团 ...

in hot pursuit

hot英语的解释,hot的英语翻译,hot的英语发音,... ... a hot argument 激烈辩论 in hot pursuit 紧追 hot temper 暴躁的脾气 ...

cling to,shadow,thunder on one's trail

英语论坛-英语麦当劳 - ... 紧张局势 tense situation;tension 紧追 cling to,shadow,thunder on one's trail 经办人 operator ...


绝望主妇 第一季 第十五集_看绝望主妇学英语... ... glory: 荣誉, 光荣 hound: 紧追,烦扰 be known for: 因…而著名 ...


【精品文档】:变形金刚名字 - 豆丁网 ... Lord Zark 扎克领主/ Fasttrack 紧追 Grax 格拉斯 ...

on the heels

社群柑仔店 Julie's Paradise -... ... 1.on the button: 正好 2.on the heels: 紧追 3.one's pound of flesh: 应得之一磅肉 ...

to pursue closely

紧绌 English, 翻译, 发音,... ... 紧靠 lean closely against;closely rely on 紧追 to pursue closely 紧绌 supply shortage ...

at one's heels

... drag one's heels v. 拖着脚走,不合作 at one's heels 紧追,紧跟,穷追不舍 back on one's heels 被对手逼退,处于守势 ...
