- 网络net profit margin; Profit Margin; Ratio of Net Income to Net Sales

net profit margin
纯益率(net profit margin)是 0.05所以税后纯益(net income)是 2000000 * 0.05 = 100000 平均税率是 0.3 如果税前净利是 X…
Profit Margin
...ost of Goods Sold Ratio),纯益率 (Profit Margin);第三组是每股盈余 (Earnings Per Share,简称EPS) 与每股净值 (Net Wort…
Ratio of Net Income to Net Sales
纯益率(Ratio of Net Income to Net Sales) 纯益率=净利∕销货净额 销货毛利率(Ratio of Gross Profit to Net Sales) 销货毛 …
Net Income
NYSE:MCD 速食连锁餐厅龙头麦当劳 @... ... 营业利益率 Operating Profit Margin 纯益率 Net Income 营业毛利率 Gross Profit ...
Bp ... 何谓创业 What is New Venture Creation ? Part Two 纯益率、 EPS ...