
  • 网络kidney governing bones; kidney dominating bones; The kidney governing the bones



kidney governing bones

CG Woordenboek ... 肾藏志 kidney storing will 肾主骨 kidney governing bones 肾开窍于耳 kidney opening at ears ...

kidney dominating bones

肾主目,the... ... ) aorta ascendens 肾主动脉 ) kidney dominating bones 肾主骨 ) the Kidney Dominating the Eye 肾主目 ...

The kidney governing the bones

中医专业英语_翻译吧_百度贴吧 ... 肾主纳气 kidney governing reception of qi 肾主骨 The kidney governing the bones ...

the kidney being in harge of the bone

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专... ... 肾主骨 the kidney being in charge of the bone 肾主骨 the kidney being in harge of the bone ...

the kidney being in charge of the bone

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业... ... 肾恶燥 the kidney being advese to dryness 肾主骨 the kidney being in charge of the bone ...
