
  • 网络anterior spinocerebellar tract; tract of Gowers; Gower's tract



anterior spinocerebellar tract

神经病学词汇... ... (Broca 氏区) anterior spinocerebellar tract 脊髓小脑前束 anterior white commissure 白质前连合 ...

tract of Gowers

心理学专业英语词汇(T2) ... tract 束 tract of Gowers 脊髓小脑前束 tractate 论文 ...

Gower's tract

神经病学词... ... Gower's syndrome 高尔斯综合征(血管迷走神经性发作) Gower's tract 脊髓小脑前束 Gowers myopathy 跳跃性 …

Ventral spinocerebellar tract

... 锥体侧束 Lateral pyramidal 脊髓小脑前束 Ventral spinocerebellar tract 脊髓小脑后束 Dorsal spinocerebellar tract ...

anterior spinocereberar tract

小脑 - English translation -... ... 脊髓小脑后束 dorsal spinocerebellar tract 脊髓小脑前束 anterior spinocereberar tract ...

ventro-cerebellar tract

... ventricular outflow tract [医]心室流出道 ventro-cerebellar tract [医]脊髓小脑前束 ventrolateral tract [医]前外侧束 ...

tractus spinocerebellaris ventralis

  (2)脊髓小脑前束tractus spinocerebellaris ventralis)位于外侧索边缘,脊髓小脑后束的前方。此束起于中间内侧核,由此 …
