
  • na.be [look] red [rosy] about the gills
  • 网络glow with health; have a high color; have roses on one's face



glow with health

... glow with enthusiasm 热 情洋溢 glow with health 脸色红润, 容光焕发 glow with pride 得意扬扬 ...

have a high color

英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(62) ... have a heart 发慈悲 have a high color 脸色红润 have a horror of 深恶 ...

have roses on one's face

... have one's name on sth 某物完全适合某人/为某人度身定做 have roses on one's face 脸色红润 have the face 厚颜无耻 ...

facial expression

谁能解释一下什么叫“脸”_爱问知识人 ... 撕不破脸皮[ sense of shame] 脸色红润[ facial expression] 脸相[ facial looks] ...


GRE单词讲义(陈琦) - 豆丁网 ... invigorate 使…有活力 rubicund 脸色红润 sound 健康、明智 ...

as red as cherry

24EN爱思课堂第12期:爱思英语给你不一样的水... ... lose one’s cherry 失去童贞 as red as cherry 脸色红润 cherry stone 樱桃 …

Save a high color

谚语日常用语 - 免费文档下载 ... Suit me fine 太适合我了 Save a high color 脸色红润 Horse doctor 庸医,兽医 ...


...ome)外观,诸如:月亮脸(moon face)、脸色红润 (plethora)、水牛肩(buffalo hump)、锁骨上脂肪垫(supraclavicular fat pad) …
