
  • n.coefficient of self-induction
  • 网络self-inductance; electrodynamic capacity; self-inductance coefficient



coefficient of self-induction

... coefficient of roughness 粗糙系数 coefficient of self-induction 自感系数 coefficient of shear viscosity 剪切粘度系数 ...


地质学专业英语词汇(62) ... 自发极化法 spontaneous polorization 自感;自感系数 self-inductance 自己的 auto- ...

electrodynamic capacity

capacity的翻译中文意思... ... electric capacity 电容 electrodynamic capacity 自感系数 electromagnetic capacity 电磁容量 ...

self-inductance coefficient

机械专业英语词汇-机械资讯-马棚网... ... self inductance 自感 self-inductance coefficient 自感系数 self-induction 自感应 ...

self-induction phenomenon

常用物理英文词汇 - 豆丁网 ... self-inductance 自感 self-induction phenomenon 自感系数 semiconductor 半导体 ...

induction,coefficient of self

... induction,coefficient of mutual 互感系数 induction,coefficient of self 自感系数 induction,electromagnetic 电磁感应 ...

coefficient of self-inductance

Outstation Work... ... 自感应 self-induction 1.069 自感系数 coefficient of self-inductance 1.070 ...

self-induction coefficient of

Download -... ... 自感应 self-induction 自感系数 self-induction coefficient of 视(在)自感应 self-induction, apparent ...
