
  • na.【医】colour inspection
  • 网络inspection of the color of the skin; Colour Inspection; inspection of color



inspection of the color of the skin

色音的色当姓氏读的时候,应该读se还... ... 色泽[ color and lustre] 色诊[ inspection of the color of the skin] 色斑[ patch] ...

Colour Inspection

色诊,Colour... ... ) Featured diagnosis and treatment 特色诊疗 ) Colour Inspection 色诊 ) visual diagnostics 中医色诊 ...

inspection of color

... 药物的检验标准 inspection criterion for drugs 色诊 inspection of color 五色诊 inspection of natural hue of the face ...

examination of the complexion

COMPLETE BANK OF TERMS USED BY N ... 色欲 sexual desire 色诊 examination of the complexion 色暗 dark in color ...
