
  • 网络shape up; behave well; well-behaved



shape up

水晶之恋 ... 2.hit the road 上路 3.shape up 表现良好,乖 4.scare the shit out of someone 吓死某人了 ...

behave well

高考英语作文热点话题词汇 ... observe( 遵守), behave well( 表现良好), be neatly dressed( 穿戴整洁), ...


表现的英文翻译,表现用英语怎么说 -... ... 表现个人 express oneself 表现良好 well-behaved 表现形式 form of expression ...

good performance

急~~有关 reference... ... 言而有信 capable of keeping promise 表现良好 good performance 尽忠职守 work with loyality ...

good conduct

表现良好的英语翻译,表现良好用英文怎么说... ... good conduct 行为端正,表现良好 a clean sheet 1. 清白的历史,表现良好 …

High Performance

Siu Sir ... Mathematics & Statistics 数学及统计学 表现良好 High Performance 表现中等 Mid Performance ...

do well

Forever Young ... 5. go unrepaired 持续未修复 6. do well 表现良好 ...
