
  • 网络training method; training methods; METHOD



training method

虎扑盗墓篮球词汇表 ... 139. specific technical training 专项技术训练 142. training method 训练方法 144. imitation 模仿 ...

training methods

中译成英_百度知道 ... 视谱 Notation Sight Reading 训练方法 training methods 钢琴教学 piano teaching ...


关於乐行童军支部 | 香港童军总会... ... 目的 AIM 训练方法 METHOD 铭言 MOTTO ...

memory training

同声传译的训练方法memory training)源语复述目的语复述 2. 记笔记训练口译笔记的特点: 即时的、 1. 记忆力训练 简短的 …

A discipline

急!求解几题英语选择题答案_百度知道 ... 9. B specific 明确的/特定的 10. A discipline 训练方法 14. A intensify 增强/加剧 ...

The Instruction Method

... Strategy Learning and Instruction 学习策略的训练 The Instruction Method 训练方法 1. Learning Strategies 学习策略 ...

Some ways to coach students to use strategies

杭州师范学院继续... ... Some ways to coach students to use strategies:( 训练方法) Ways of giving students feedback( 反 …

training approach

测重训练方法,developed... ... ) method of training 训练方法 ) training approach 训练方法 ) methods of training 训练方法 ...
