
  • na.get in by the back door
  • 网络backdoor; through the back door; pull strings



get in by the back door

阿丽斯的秘密书柜 中国特色英语词汇翻译 ... 走过场 go through the motions 走后门 get in by the back door 走俏 sell well ...



through the back door

Prison Break 越狱 第三季... ... due to: [口语]因为,由于 through the back door: 走后门;采取不正当的手段 family tree: 家谱 ...

pull strings

百度词典搜索_pull ... pull strings1. 拉关系,走后门 pull the strings1. 控制事件(或他人的行动) ...

pull string

建国60周年流行词回顾-英语点津 ... 知青 educated youth 走后门 pull string 老外 laowai ...

pull the string

改革开放30年经典热词回放-社会类-英语点津 ... 传销 pyramid selling 走后门 pull the string 潜规则 hidden rule ...

back-door dealing

... 拉关系 seek favor 走后门 seek advantages through pull;back-door dealing 乱收费 unreasonable service;go-as-you-pay ...

seek advantages through pull

... 拉关系 seek favor 走后门 seek advantages through pull;back-door dealing 乱收费 unreasonable service;go-as-you-pay ...

IS THIS privatisation through the back door?
He got the job for his wife by pulling strings
