
  • 网络morning call; Get up; Wake up



morning call

11 일어나세요 (모닝콜) 起床了(morning call) 거드 MV01 거친인생 mms://kt68kmssst.dosirak.com/events/E_Movie1_1491.wmv …

Get up

新标准小学英语二年级上册日常单词汇编_英语网 ... Bus bus 公共汽车 全城角落跑个遍 get up 起床了 go to school 背着书包上 …

Wake up

小哈津幼儿园 ... It’s a tree! 这是一棵树 Wake up 起床了. I’m here 我在这.! ...

It's time to get up

PEP句型总结 - 喜羊羊的日志 - 网易博客 ... Tomorrow is Thursday. 明天是星期四。 It's time to get up. 起床了。 ...

Rise and shine.

听电影学英语:足球尤物 06 -... ... 来啊,宝贝。来啊 Come on,baby. Come on. 起床了 Rise and shine. 等等!放手! Wait! Let g…

Get out of bed

Time to Rise, by Robert Louis Stevenson

起床了 (Time to Rise, by Robert Louis Stevenson)愉快地幻想 (Happy Thought, by Robert Louis Stevenson)嘀哒,嘀哒,当 或 …
