
  • 网络remote; at such a distance; distant




邈字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 邈远〖 remote〗 貌声。本义:距离遥远)〖 remote;befaraway〗 邈邈〖 faraway〗 ...

at such a distance

at... ... at a such high pace : 如此高速地 at such a distance距离遥远 at such high altitudes : 在如此高的海拔高度 ...


... Her departure was not far off. 她的行期快到了。 1.distant;remote( 距离)遥远 2.far in the future( 时间上)离现在 …

Far across the distance

my heart will go on and on -... ... That is how I know you go on 因而我知道你仍跟随 Far across the distance 距离遥远 ...

to be far apart

far apart是什么意思... ... be far apart1. 相距万里 to be far apart1. 距离遥远 far apart we are1. 我们之间的差距有多远 ...

a remote distance

距离的英文翻译,距离用英语怎么说 -... ... 直线距离 a straight-line distance 距离遥远 a remote distance ...

a long way from

long suit是什么意思_long... ... a long time ago adv. 很久以前 a long way from 距离…遥远 a long while ago 很长时间以前 ...

at a great distance

at a... ... 5. I saw it at a distance. 我从远处看见了它。 at a great distance1. 距离遥远 at a distance of1. 在…远的地方 ...
