
  • 网络weak structural plane; soft structur alplane; weak plane



weak structural plane

建筑边坡工程技术规范GB... ... 2.1.14 崩塌 collapse 2.1.15 软弱结构面 weak Structural plane 2.1.1 建筑边坡 building slope ...

soft structur alplane

《水利水电工程技术术语标准》 ... ... 软弱夹层 weak intercalation 软弱结构面 soft structur alplane 润滑水 lubricating water ...

weak plane

岩土力学与工程 5 -... ... weak intercalation 软弱夹层,脆弱夹层 weak plane 软弱结构面,脆弱面 weak rock 软质岩石,脆弱岩 …

weak structural surface

... 14. Weak or strong? 淡的还是浓的? 15. weak structural surface 软弱结构面 16. detection of weak signal 微弱信号检测 ...

weak structure surface

岩体软弱结构面,structural weakness plane... ... ) weak structure surface 软弱结构面 ) weak structural plane 软弱结构面 ...

weak structure plane

软支弱板结构,struc... ... ) weak structural plane 软弱结构面 ) weak structure plane 软弱结构面 ) fissure plane 软弱结构面 ...

fissure plane

软支弱板结构,structure of weak support... ... ) weak structure plane 软弱结构面 ) fissure plane 软弱结构面 ...
