
  • na.find for the tripod in the central plain -- attempt to usurp the throne
  • 网络lit. to inquire of the tripods; To aspire after the throne; grand ambitions to win



lit. to inquire of the tripods

Power... ... 普济众生 universal mercy and succor 问鼎中原 lit. to inquire of the tripods 有头无尾 to start but not finish ...

To aspire after the throne

'aspire'的翻译、'aspire'的解释、双语例句、在... ... To aspire after the throne 问鼎中原 To aspire after greatness 抱负宏大 ...

grand ambitions to win

问鼎轻重 English, 翻译, 发音,... ... 问鼎 grand ambitions to win 问鼎中原 grand ambitions to win 无足轻重 insignificant ...
