
  • na.follow an old routine
  • 网络follow a set routine; keep on doing the same thing over and over again; Stick To The Beaten Track



follow a set routine

Charact... ... ( 归因於 )[ attribute;owing to;result in] ( 陈陈相因 )[ follow a set routine;do sth in a conventional way] ...

keep on doing the same thing over and over again

"陈&... ... 陈人 old staff,servants; 陈陈相因 keep on doing the same thing over and over again; 陈病儿 old sickness; ...

Stick To The Beaten Track

什么意思_英语beaten_track在线翻译_有道词典... ... go off the beaten track 打破常规 Stick To The Beaten Track 陈陈相因 ...

suivre la routine

Zhang3 xi3 da4 chen2 |... ... 不管部大臣 Ministre sans portefeuille 陈陈相因 suivre la routine 洗脸盆洗盆 lavabo ...

to follow a set routine

... 陈兵 陈兵 to deploy troops;to mass troops 陈陈相因 陈陈相因 to follow a set routine 陈词 陈词 speech;statement;plea ...
