
  • na.culture in the open
  • 网络open field culture; open culture; outdoor cultivation



open field culture

农业词汇英语翻译(O-T) ... open ditch drainage 玫排水 open field culture 露地栽培 open pollination 自由传粉 ...

open culture

花谈... ... 3.5.49裸根栽植 bare-root planting 3.5.50露地栽培 open culture 3.5.51花卉栽培者 flower gardener ...

outdoor cultivation

园艺专业英语(a-z) ... osmotic pressure 渗透压 outdoor cultivation 户外栽培,露地栽培 outer skin 外层皮肤,表皮 ...

outdoor cropping

农业词汇英语翻译(O-T) ... outbreeding 异系交配 outdoor cropping 露地栽培 outdoor rearing 露天育 ...


... 产量 (kg/667m 2 ) 增产率 (%) 露地栽培CK) 04-23 10-21 181 13.8 7.5 3487 - 地膜覆盖 栽培 04-05 10-21 199 …

raising seedling on the open

生物学名词词汇R-4... ... 盆植苗 raising seedling in pot 露地栽培 raising seedling on the open 石花属(地衣) Ramalina ...
