
  • 网络Expected Inflation; Expected Inflation Rate; The Expected Rate of Inflation



Expected Inflation

首先,预期通货膨胀率Expected Inflation)是未来的实际通货膨胀率 (Actual Inflation)的估计,从而有助于前瞻性地了解货 …

Expected Inflation Rate

预期通货膨胀率(Expected Inflation Rate)变动假设今社会大众预期通膨率下降,则短期菲利普曲线向下移动、长期菲利普曲线 …

The Expected Rate of Inflation

Lecture... ... 130. The Expected Rate of Inflation( 预期通货膨胀率) (01:49) 131. The Risk Premium( 风险溢酬) (00:00) ...

Expected inflation rate of interest

《中级会计·12版》Kieso... ... Expected cash flow approach 预期现金流量法 Expected inflation rate of interest 预期通货膨胀率 ...

Expected rate of inflation

A priori approach ... Expected rate of inflation 预期通货膨胀率 Expected rate of return 预期报酬率 ...

forecast-based inflation rate

通货膨胀预期管理,Inflation... ... ) forecast-based inflation rate 预期通货膨胀率 ) Inflation Forecast 通货膨胀预测 ...
