
  • na.give a person bellyfuls of fisticuffs
  • 网络knuckle sandwich; to thump repeatedly with one's fist; punch hit sb.full in the face



knuckle sandwich

英语常用俚语 -... ... know sth like the palm of onels hands 了如指掌 knuckle sandwich 饱以老拳 ladies man 女人喜欢的男人 ...

to thump repeatedly with one's fist

... 拳头产品 with real punch;superior goods;competitive product 饱以老拳 to thump repeatedly with one's fist 斗拳 boxing ...

punch hit sb.full in the face

包含 老 的词语 | 常用词典 ... ... ◆ 饱以老拳[ punch hit sb.full in the face ] ◆ 宝刀不老[ a good sword never get dull ] ...

shoot the messenger

...,怪责、惩罚给你传来坏消息的人。例如,你不应向朋友饱以老拳shoot the messenger),只因为他提醒你,昂贵的阿曼 …
