
  • un.higher education examination programme for the self-taught
  • 网络self-study higher education examination; STE; higher education self-study examination



self-study higher education examination

Wonder! ... 高难度动作 stunner,stunt / 高等教育自学考试 self-study higher education examination/ 高峰 peak time / ...


我自己是通过参加高等教育自学考试(STE)完成的第二学位。 至于时间问题,我的方法是慢慢来,整个法学自学考试加上做论文 …

higher education self-study examination

高等教育自学考试 (higher education self-study examination) 在家自学 (self-study at home) 人寿保险公司(Life Insurance Comp…

The Higher Education Self-study Exam

中学同等学... ... ) self-learning examination 高等自学考试 ) The Higher Education Self-study Exam 高等教育自学考试(自考) ...

Higher education examination for self-taught people

请问自考英文怎么... ... Self-study examination 自考 Higher education examination for self-taught people 高等教育自学考试 ...

higher education self-study examinations

Higher education self-study program exam

美国驻华... ... 高考 National College Entrance Exam 高等教育自学考试 Higher education self-study program exam 学分 Credit ...
