
  • na.do many things at once
  • 网络neck and neck; keep pace with; shoulder to shoulder



neck and neck

初二上英语语法总结_百度知道 ... 2. sore back 背痛 3. neck and neck 并驾齐驱,齐头并进 4. I have a stomachache 我胃痛 ...

keep pace with

2009年9月25日每日一测-每日一测... ... put up with 忍受;容忍 keep pace with 齐头并进 跟上 end up with 以告终 ...

shoulder to shoulder

英语学科网 ... face to face 面对面 shoulder to shoulder 齐头并进 eye to eye 赞同 ...

go hand in hand

... get out of hand 失去控制; 不加思索; 立即 go hand in hand 齐头并进; 相辅相成 reject ... out of hand 未经考虑立刻拒绝 ...

advance side by side

中国特色政治词汇翻译大全_汉城夜色2007... ... 齐头并进 advance side by side 住宅小区 community residential area complex ...

go forward together

并_英文_英语_并用英语怎么说_翻译... ... place on a par 相提并论 go forward together 齐头并进 not without cause 并非无因 ...

Run Together

塞尔维亚第二届“女性”国际摄影展成绩公布 |... ... 独行者 Alone 齐头并进 Run Together 冬牧 Winter Pasturing ...
