
  • 网络God helps those who help themselves; Hard Work Pays Off; It pays to work hard



God helps those who help themselves

useful expression... ... 14、at one's field 某人的专长 18、god helps those who help themselves 天道酬勤 19、dowry 嫁妆, 天 …

Hard Work Pays Off

世界上最富哲理的美文_百度百科 ... 快乐 On Pleasure 天道酬勤 Hard Work Pays Off 痛苦的根源 The Cobbler and the Banker ...

It pays to work hard

2006考研英语完型填空... ... Reading without comprehension is no good. 只读不理解是不好的。 It pays to work hard. 天道酬勤

Fruits of Labor

《神迹突击》怪... ... Fruits of Labor天道酬勤)–每杀死一个怪物或者击碎一块岩石恢复盟友33%的生命值。 Forest Fairy( …

Good things come to him who works

中学双语教学... ... 492. Those who know more act as teachers. 能者为师。 493. Good things come to him who works. 天道酬

Hard work pays out

经典中英... ... 殊途同归。 All roads lead to Rome. 天道酬勤Hard work pays out. 时不我待。 Time and tide wait for no one. ...


多漂亮的小姑娘啊,太可惜了 lethean 贴图... ... OK840320( 甜美的蛋糕) tdcq( 天道酬勤) ironmoon( 可以笑也可以哭) ...


去哪里买防冻的玻璃水啊? moonriver000... ... AutoFans( 凹凸粉丝) links( 天道酬勤) ...
