
  • na.be crazy about foreign things and obsequious to foreigners
  • 网络xenocentric; worship things foreign and fawn on foreign countries; worship and have blind faith in foreign things




小资必读的26个关键词-搜狐健康 ... wind 风 xenocentric 崇洋媚外 YVESSAINTLAURENT perfume 香水 ...

worship things foreign and fawn on foreign countries

Corpus... ... 冲浪艇 surfboat 崇洋媚外 worship things foreign and fawn on foreign countries 宠物医院 pet clinic ...

worship and have blind faith in foreign things

崇_百度百科 ... 8.崇尚[ advocate;uphold] 10.崇洋媚外[ worship and have blind faith in foreign things] 11.崇仰[ worship] ...

snob appeal

2011-11-30-博客聚合平台-博文大全 ... snob 势利小人, snob appeal 崇洋媚外 snobbishness 势利 ...

worship everything foreign

worship英语... ... vt. 1. 礼拜, 拜神 worship everything foreign 崇洋媚外 worship the ground sb. treads on 拜倒在某人脚下 ...

worship foreign things

... 重复建设 redundant constructions 崇洋媚外 worship foreign things 出发点和落脚点 starting point and the objective ...

to foreign powers.

油然而生... ... worship at the shirne 参拜神社 to foreign powers. 崇洋媚外 worthy of the fame 名副其实 ...
