- un.having existed for a long time
- 网络over a long period of time; with the passage of time; nin shēn yu ji

over a long period of time
Charact... ... 年久失修[ desolated] 年深月久[ over a long period of time;with the passage of time] 年已蹉跎[ too old age] ...
with the passage of time
Charact... ... 年久失修[ desolated] 年深月久[ over a long period of time;with the passage of time] 年已蹉跎[ too old age] ...
nin shēn yu ji
[年深月久](nin shēn yu jiǔ) [年深月久是什么意思]一月月,一年年地下去,指时间长久。 [年深月久的同义词]天长日久 年深日久 …