
  • na.send relief to a famine area
  • 网络help to tide over a crop failure; relief of famines; Famine Relief Work



help to tide over a crop failure

救_百度百科 ... 救国[ save the nation] 救荒[ help to tide over a crop failure] 救活[ bring back to life] ...

relief of famines

..., “纲目” (compendium) and “救荒” (relief of famines) separately give readers a glimpse of certain information.

Famine Relief Work

Work Breakdown Structure_翻译 ... 复制: Work"s copy 救荒Famine Relief Work 上岗证: work permit ...

relief natural disasters

natural killer cell_翻译 ... 自然观: Natural Philosophy 救荒relief natural disasters 村名: Natural Village Name ...
