
  • na.tread in sb.'s footsteps [steps]
  • 网络trail along behind others; follow in sb's footsteps; to follow in other people's footsteps



trail along behind others

China Forum • Alle... ... 动人 动人> touching 步人后尘 步人后尘> trail along behind others 受托人 受托人> trustee ...

follow in sb's footsteps

英语论文:英... ... plain sailing 一帆风顺; follow in sb's footsteps 步人后尘; bite off more than one can chew 贪多嚼不烂; ...

to follow in other people's footsteps

Hou4 |... ... 彼得后书 Second Epistle of Peter 步人后尘 to follow in other people's footsteps 冷战以后 post-Cold War ...

follow the trail of

成语翻译(转载)_英语杂谈_天涯论坛 ... 不求甚解 content with superficial understanding; 步人后尘 follow the trail of ...

follow in somebady's footsteps

大家网 ... ... follow in somebady's footsteps 步人后尘 Time passed at a snail's apce. 时间过得象蜗牛爬似的。 ...

spring up like mushroom

南开大学英语系本科... ... 视而不见 follow one’s footsteps 步人后尘 spring up like mushroom 雨后春笋 burn the midnight oil ...
