
  • na.the lingering effect of a chronic disease
  • 网络the root cause of trouble; an incompletely cured illness; the cause of disease



the root cause of trouble

... thanks for your trouble 辛苦 the root cause of trouble 病根 to act imprudently,asking for trouble 引狗入寨; 引狼入室 ...

an incompletely cured illness

March... ... 病夫 病夫/ sick man/ 病根 病根/ an incompletely cured illness/an old complaint/the root cause of trouble/ ...

the cause of disease

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典、双语例句 ... 死因 the cause of death 病根 the cause of disease 耳甲腔 the cavum con…

an old complaint

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词... ... 烧烫伤药膏 an ointment for scabds and burns 病根 an old complaint 老手 an old hand ...

an uncured illness

Carácter « 病 » - Dicionário de sinogramas ... 病夫[ sick people] 病根[ an uncured illness] 病故[ die of disease;decease] ...

the seeds of diseases

翻译词典... ... The Jews are the seed of Abraham. 犹太人是亚伯拉罕的子孙. the seeds of diseases 病根. ...


此类产品多具有强腐蚀性,并不是从病根HPV)入手,而是通过腐蚀性把疣体烧掉,一般都会留下深色的疤痕,一生难以去 …


...ing)(边缘型人格)。我们就要从他的病根ROOTCAUSE)角度出发设身处地读懂他、帮助他、挽救他,事实上连他自己都 …
