
  • na.(of old people) have good ears and eyes
  • 网络very perceptive; have sharp ears and eyes; can hear and see well



have good ears and eyes

... 耳坠子[ eardrop] 耳聪目明[ have good ears and eyes;have a thorough grosp of the situation] 耳闻[ hear of (about)] ...

very perceptive

《英语新词语联想词典》zz - 英语综合学习 -... ... man of ideas 智多星 very perceptive 耳聪目明 brain gain 智囊扩充,人才流入 ...

have sharp ears and eyes

百度词典搜索_明 ... astute;shrewd;bright; 精明 have sharp ears and eyes 耳聪目明 明白人[ sensible person] ...

can hear and see well

Chinese words... ... 二次大战 World War Two ... 耳聪目明 can hear and see well ... 二等 second classsecond-rate ... ...


耳字的... ... 耳聪〖 havegoodauditorysensation〗 耳聪目明〖 havegoodearsandeyes;haveathoroughgrospofthesituation〗 耳 …

Be Alert and observant

新入职场不... ... 与人为善1. Develop a friendly attitude。 耳聪目明2. Be Alert and observant。 热爱工作3. Love your job。 ...

have sharp eyes and keen ears

有趣的英语表达_在线英语词典 ... Out of sight,out of mind. 眼不见,心不想。 have sharp eyes and keen ears 耳聪目明。 ...

She is easy with movement and good with vision and hearing despite her great age.
