
  • na.make an unfounded [scurrilous] attack upon sb.
  • 网络smite with the tongue; venomously slander; try to frame us



smite with the tongue

如何用英语揭露别人的真面目... ... 5. beef 发牢骚 10. smite with the tongue 血口喷人 1. have an ax to grind 心怀叵测 ...

venomously slander

... ◎ 血口[ One's bloody mouth] ◎ 血口喷人[ Venomously slander;make unfounded and malicious attacks] ◎ 血库[ Blood bank…

try to frame us

火力全开 - 搜搜百科 ... try to frame us( 极尽能事 血口喷人) nobody can shame us( 但我们问心无愧 不惧鬼神) ...

make unfounded and malicious attacks

... ◎ 血口[ One's bloody mouth] ◎ 血口喷人[ Venomously slander;make unfounded and malicious attacks] ◎ 血库[ Blood bank…

smite with one's tongue

现代英... ... speak evil of... 说...的坏话 smite with one's tongue 血口喷人 see which way the cat jumps 观望形势后再行动 ...

Make unfounded and scurrilous attacks upon others
