
  • n.human element accident
  • 网络liability accident; negligence; negligent accident



liability accident

消防专业英语词汇表 ... level warning switch 液面报警开关 Liability accident 责任事故 Life cycle 寿命周期 ...

human element accident

消防专业词汇英语翻译(H-O) ... human behavior 人类行为 human element accident 责任事故 human engineering 人类工程学 ...


... 青壮年急死综合征 sudden menhood death syndrome 责任事故 negligence 责任能力 responsibility ...

negligent accident

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典、双语例句 ... 滴虫侵入 negligence motrice 责任事故 negligent accident 萘啶酸 negram ...

an accident out of negligence

英语单词negligence是什么意思,英文... ... n. 疏忽,玩忽 an accident out of negligence 责任事故 negligence of dress 不修边幅 ...

accident due to negligence

英语语言词典 # 翻译 ... ... 车祸 traffic accident 责任事故 accident due to negligence;human element accident ...

responsible accident

消防专业词汇英语翻译(P-Z) ... response 接警出动 responsible accident 责任事故 rest period 工间休息时间 ...

accident occurring due to negligence

... 体认 to realize realization 责任事故 accident occurring due to negligence 公众人物 public figure famous person ...
